CleanR Grupa is governed in accordance with best practice of corporate governance, separating strategic and operational management.
Group’s corporate governance is carried out by the Shareholder, the Supervisory board, the Group’s Management board, and the Management boards of the Group companies.
The Code of Ethics determines the principles of professional ethics, the basic values of professional ethics that are most important for the operation and ethical behavior in a specific situation.
Group adheres to the principles of fair competition in its activities, providing high-quality and sustainable services. Therefore, it is important for us that our business partners and suppliers follow the same principles in their commercial activities.
Purpose of the policy is to determine unified principles and tasks of CleanR Group’s internal audit activities, the requirements for the independence and objectivity of the internal audit, and the requirements for quality assurance.
Marketing principles contribute to the implementation of the Group’s mission: “We believe that when we take care of people, we care for the planet – and it works both ways”, which includes both involvement in the creation and development of a sustainable national environmental policy, as well as daily support and raising the awareness and education of society on issues, aimed at environmental protection, maintenance, care, sustainability and reduction of consumption.
CleanR Grupa operates a whistle-blowing system – “Hotline”.
In the “Hotline”, Group employees and external stakeholders can safely and confidentially report suspected or experienced violations. Hotline is designed and operates in such a way as to ensure the confidentiality of information and to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing it.
CleanR Grupa’s Sponsorship and Support Policy sets out priority sponsorship and support areas and the procedure how sponsorship applications and applications for community support are received and reviewed at CleanR Grupa.
Personnel Policy lays down the basic principles of sustainable personnel management, with an aim to implement joint, modern, efficient practice across the Group. This allows the Group to employ qualified, professional, and motivated employees who will help it to run efficient operations, and ensures observance of the labor rights of the Group’s employees, facilitates improvements on work organization, and fosters employee growth and loyalty.
The Policy sets out the Group’s approach to sustainability, its guiding principles and describes the sustainability governance structure at the CleanR Group. The policy aims to ensure that all companies, their business processes, and decision-making adhere to the Group’s sustainability approach and its guiding principles.
The Risk Management Policy determines the main principles of risk management and types of risk at CleanR Grupa.
The Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy sets out the main principles and actions to prevent conflicts of interest within CleanR Grupa.
CleanR Group’s Procurement Policy sets out the key principles and approach to organising procurement within the Group.
The Policy sets out the fundamental principles of environmental and energy management and the management structure at the Group.
The Remuneration and Compensation Policy sets out the key principles for determining pay and remuneration in the Group.
The Code of Ethics determines the principles of professional ethics, the basic values of professional ethics that are most important for the operation and ethical behavior in a specific situation.